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Huyện Tư Nghĩa

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Hanoi supports more than 1,100 billion dong difference in tuition fees for the academic year 2022-2023

On the afternoon of September 12, with 100% of the delegates present, the Hanoi People's Council approved two resolutions related to education, including: Resolution on Regulations on tuition fees for preschool educational institutions. , public general education in Hanoi city, the school year 2022-2023 and the Resolution stipulating the tuition fee support mechanism for some preschool children and high school students in Ha Noi city. Noi, school year 2022-2023.

Specifically, the Resolution on Regulations on tuition fees for public preschool and general education institutions in Hanoi city, the school year 2022-2023, applies to: Preschool children preschool and high school students studying at public preschool and general education institutions (excluding high-quality public educational institutions), students studying at regular educational institutions public institutions and other training institutions implementing general education programs in the city; public preschool, general education institutions (excluding high-quality public educational institutions), public continuing education institutions and other training institutions that implement universal education programs. pine.

Accordingly, the tuition fees for the 2022-2023 school year are as follows: In urban areas (students attending public educational institutions in wards and townships) preschool, primary school, lower secondary school (middle school) and high school (high school) are both 300,000 VND/student/month. In rural areas (students studying at public educational institutions in communes excluding mountainous communes), preschool, primary, and junior high school levels are 100,000 VND/student/month; High school is 200,000 VND/student/month.
In ethnic minority and mountainous areas (students studying at public educational institutions in mountainous communes), preschool, primary, and secondary schools are 50,000 VND/student/month; High school 100,000 VND/student/month.
The tuition fee in the form of online learning (online) is 75% of the above tuition fee. Tuition fees are rounded to the nearest thousand dong (in case the online tuition fees are odd to dong).

In the event that after the effective date of this Resolution, the Government issues regulations on keeping the tuition fee for the 2022-2023 school year equal to the tuition fee for the 2021-2022 school year: Tuition fee rate for the 2022-2023 school year 05/2021/NQ-HDND dated September 23, 2021 of the City People's Council stipulating tuition fees for public preschool and general education institutions. of Hanoi city, school year 2021-2022.
According to the Hanoi People's Council, the application of tuition fees according to the Government's Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP is mandatory according to the roadmap to gradually improve the quality of education - training and At this time, the City regulates the floor level (which is the lowest level) of Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP.
In particular, in the context that after 2 years of the pandemic, people's lives are still difficult, the City will use the budget to make up for the increased difference compared to the previous school year and continue to support 50% of tuition fees for both students. academic year 2022-2023 as the support level for the 2021-2022 school year. It is expected that the total budget of the City to support the school year 2022-2023 is more than 1,133 billion VND.

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